The racism and injustice displayed toward Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia, Breonna Taylor in Kentucky, George Floyd in Minnesota, and so many others have rightfully disturbed our country, local communities, and our family here at Metro Peds. These events represent a pattern of discrimination that has plagued not only our nation, but our world. We are heartbroken, frustrated, and hungry for change.
We at Metropolitan Pediatrics want to make it clear: We welcome people of all skin colors, cultures, beliefs, and experiences into our beautiful, blended family of patients, employees, and physicians.
We appreciate diversity, and we celebrate the differences that make us unique, including race, ethnicity, language spoken at home, religion, disability and special health care need, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and other attributes.
While Metropolitan Pediatrics actively opposes intolerance, bigotry, bias, and discrimination of any kind, we recognize that opposition alone is no longer enough to make a real difference. We each want and deserve a world where all lives matter, and it is going to take all of us, working together, to get there.
Metropolitan Pediatrics strongly supports the movement to end systemic racism and injustice in the United States. We stand with you in the fight to dismantle racism in all forms—especially anti-Black racism, with deep roots in our country.
As pediatricians and care providers, we will respond by remaining true to our mission to serve all families with great care, compassion, consideration, and respect. We will continue advocating for the health and well-being of all children and families, making sure they have access to tools and resources to live, learn, and do better. We will educate and support parents on having hard conversations, like the history of racism and discrimination in the US, with their families. Lastly, we will continue our efforts toward building more resilient children and families who will challenge adversity and carry on the work this important cause demands.
These recent deaths, and too many before them, were not right or fair, but they have started a wave of support that we hope never subsides. We are ready for the opportunity and RESPONSIBILITY to listen, learn, validate, support, step up, and DO BETTER. Metropolitan Pediatrics stands with our diverse communities to help make the world a better place, where everyone is welcome and valued, for our children and the generations that follow.
Resources to Get Started
Don’t wait another day! Start the conversation about racial injustice with your children now. Something Happened in Our Town, a story about a police shooting of a Black man, is a great starting place. Your pediatrician can also offer ideas to help discuss and model this challenging subject at home.