Sara Murdick, MD | Metropolitan Pediatrics
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Pediatrician + Sports Medicine

Sara Murdick, MD

Office Location(s):

Board Certification: American Board of Pediatrics
Education: MD – University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH
Pediatric Residency: Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH
Sports Medicine Fellowship: Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH

Care Philosophy

The goal of my practice is to help patients grow from babies into healthy adults. I am interested in all aspects of my patients’ lives – physical activity, proper nutrition, and emotional well-being are the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. As a pediatrician specializing in Sports Medicine, I am especially interested in prompt and safe return to activity after an injury. Family-centered care is the basis of my practice, and parent and child involvement are encouraged in the decision-making process."

– Sara Murdick, MD


For the love of people and science—that’s why Dr. Murdick went into medicine, though she could have easily ended up in a different specialty. She liked family medicine, but young patients were by far her favorite. Surgery was interesting, but playing with kids in the recovery room was the best part! And anesthesia was okay too, but interacting with kids beforehand was the highlight. You may be sensing a theme here and so was Dr. Murdick. That’s why she ultimately chose pediatrics—she simply loves being around kids!

Speaking of things she loves, Dr. Murdick also has a fondness for sports of all kinds. Athletic passion and personal experience recovering from sports-related injuries led her to pursue a fellowship in Sports Medicine. As a freshman in high school, Dr. Murdick tore her ACL, the first of four injuries of this kind. Aware of her interest in medicine, her orthopedic surgeon set up a monitor so she could watch the surgery as it was being performed. She was fascinated by the entire process, and now she’s happily helping athletes—both little and big—feel better every day! She’s also an official team doc for the MLS Timbers Academy.

If you ask Dr. Murdick why she loves being a pediatrician, she’ll respond, “Can you name another job where you get to laugh and joke all day long?” She’ll also tell you that seeing babies smile at you is the best thing ever! And who can argue with that? Dr. Murdick especially enjoys forming relationships with people and becoming part of the family. One of her proudest doctor moments was learning Haitian Creole to communicate with a patient from Haiti who didn’t have family present in the hospital. And as a pediatrician who specializes in sports medicine, her passion for sports lives on through each one of her young athletes.

Outside of work, Dr. Murdick stays busy trying to keep up with her athletic grade-schooler. She enjoys biking, bikram yoga, exploring new places, and sampling new cuisines (she once ate pig intestine). She is freakishly good at remembering birthdays, a fierce slapjack competitor, and a former state record holder for shooting free throws.

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