Cole J. Nygard, MD | Metropolitan Pediatrics
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Cole J. Nygard, MD

Office Location(s):

Board Certification: American Board of Pediatrics
Education: MD – Medical College of Wisconsin – Green Bay, De Pere, WI
Pediatric Internship: University of Vermont Medical Center, Burlington, VT
Pediatric Residency: University of Vermont Medical Center, Burlington, VT

Care Philosophy

One of the greatest joys of pediatrics is having the privilege to support the growth of children and their families while creating positive relationships over time. I embrace opportunities to have fun and be lighthearted, yet recognize the seriousness required to facilitate difficult conversations. I look forward to sharing with parents the delight (and sometimes terror) that comes along with having a newborn in the house, the excitement of starting school, and helping adolescents navigate becoming young adults. It will always be my goal to support the physical as well as the mental health of all my patients and families.”

– Cole J. Nygard, MD


Although his path to becoming a pediatrician took a detour or two, deep down Dr. Nygard knew he wanted a career working with children. As an undergraduate, much of his training centered around exercise science and outside classes, he served as a mentor in the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program, coaching at various levels, camp counseling, and running after-school programming at a local middle school. Eventually his connections led to a volunteering opportunity at a nearby children’s hospital, where he discovered his love and potential as a healer.

Medical school exposed Dr. Nygard to many wonderful clinical experiences in various specialties, but nothing compared to pediatrics. While in medical school and later in residency, it remained important for him to have roots in the community. He fostered this connection by continuing to volunteer for Big Brothers/Big Sisters, reaching out to local schools to partner with teachers, and providing lectures and discussions with youth at various levels. Today Dr. Nygard adores life as a pediatrician and how the field pairs his scientific interests with his love of being a teacher, role model, and caregiver all in one patient visit!

Originally from Anchorage, AK, Dr. Nygard has additionally spent time living in the Midwest and New England, most recently completing training and practicing in Vermont. After a long-distance move, Dr. Nygard, his partner, and their husky are settling nicely into Portland! He is so excited to be back on the West Coast for the gorgeous landscapes, temperate climate, and wonderful people.

On his days off, you may catch him rollerblading along a bike path, paddleboarding the Willamette, or snowboarding on Mt. Hood. Additionally, he enjoys spending time as an amateur photographer, experiencing new cuisine around Portland, and loves participating in a variety of sports. While generally a devoted supporter of Wisconsin sports teams, with some convincing he may even convert to a Blazers fan.

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